Diamonds are forever. Truly — the word originates from ancient Greeks calling diamonds 'adamas' which means invincible, as they are. Diamonds are the most resistant substance on earth and for this reason, often symbolise everlasting love.
Diamonds are believed to fill the negative space within people with purity and love, encouraging inner strength, abundance and clarity. This magical jewel steers wearers towards their dreams and destiny and is a timeless symbol of wisdom and good fortune.
For centuries, diamonds have been a cultural cornerstone, believed by the Greeks to be tears of weeping gods, and by the Romans to be splinters from the stars above. In Indian tradition, diamonds are thought to energize the crown chakra, unifying the mind and body.
Diamonds are a universal symbol of unification, whether it's bonding with another person or balancing different parts of oneself.
April, which comes from the Latin word 'aperio' meaning to open or bud, is associated with new beginnings, blossoming, and renewal. It feels fitting that diamonds, the earth's most indestructible and steadfast jewel, are associated with a time of innate change and growth.
Diamonds are nearly as old as the earth itself, taking billions of years to form, and only a few survive the journey from the depths of the earth to the crust where they can be mined. India was the world's original source of diamonds, with Indian diamonds being sold in European trade centres since the 1400s. Brazil then became the key source of diamonds, until the late 1800s when a massive diamond reserve was discovered in South Africa. Today, diamonds are mined all over the world.
Discover our diamond pieces and create your own precious moments that will last a lifetime.